I thought this was interesting. The golden mean, or golden ratio, can be found in all kinds of places in nature.

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Just a quick sample of the things I’m learning at ShutterFest.

To everyone that entered the win an Engagement session, I am trying to contact you all with the results, but my emails are being blocked as spam.

As soon as I get this worked out, I will be emailing you all.


Had a wonderful time last weekend working with three beautiful ladies and their directors. Brittney, the Miss Midtown director, got a nice big space where I could setup my studio stuff and have have enough room to use the good lenses. 🙂 We were going to do outside portraits too, but it was too cold and dreary for more than a quick step outside. We’ll get some better outdoor portraits later.

( I did have a longer post talking about how the Miss America pageant prices are scholarships, and that the interviews they have before they ever get to the stage are tough, but that post got eaten 🙁 Will try again later.)

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Company that help me

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