When I look back on those photos, I kinda cringe a bit. Back then I was just a guy with a camera. Luckily, they liked them anyway. It’s what started me down the path to becoming a professional wedding photographer.
It was a lot of fun photographing all of you, and I hope you enjoy your prints when they come in.

It is a great place to learn about birds in our area and migrating through.
With this shoot, it was all glitz and glitter. The models and settings where what you’d expect to see in a high end magazine. It was all fantastical. The Tropicana hotel’s Havana room was the site of the reception. It was not your ordinary reception room as it has a rig that moved around the ceiling that suspended a showgirl.
It was a great time working with Emma and Josh. They did a great job setting up the wedding shoot. I am very grateful for all of their hard work setting it up.
Shoot Credits:
Event Organize/Directors: Emma + Josh www.emmaandjosh.com and Couture Clicks coutureclicks.emmaandjosh.com
Venue: Tropicana Hotel, Havana Room. www.troplv.com
Event planner/designer: Daniele Monroe- Moreno www.designsbydanielelv.com
Cake/desserts: Chef on The Run www.chefontherunlasvegas.com
Flowers: Gaia Flowers, Gifts and Art www.gaiaflowers.com
Lead Hair and Make up: Liz Gopwani, Liz Gopwani hair and make up, www.lizgopwani.com
MUA :Sue De Asis Pyne www.suepyne.com, Leticia Celina Lopez www.lettylopezmakeup.com
Hair Assistants: Josanne Nguyen, Charissa Leigh-Tiffany
Wardrobe Stylist: RJF.FashionStylist, Russel Frank, Donashow Girlmafia http://showgirlmafiaentertainment.com (showgirl costume)
Wedding Dresses: Angel Rivera
Wardrobe assistant: Ariel Everitts
Mayra Diaz,
Hector E. Lopez,
Brittney Roberts,
Karley Cottrell,
George Todd McLachlan
Lynsie Michelle Braun
Amanda Michelle Souder
Osmani Leon Bermudez
Kaitlin Castor